01 Madhuban Dam

Madhuban Dam is found roughly 40 km on the downstream of the waterway Damini Ganga. It was fabricated mutually by the Government of Gujarat and the Union Territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The development of the dam has brought about the arrangement of ious water bodies close Dudhani, roughly 40 km from Silvassa.

Madhuban Dam, one of the star attractions of Dadra and Nagar Haveli offers amazing offices to enjoy water sports. Rides in speed pontoons, traveler vessels, water bikes, kayaks and water bicycles draw in sightseers in awesome numbers. Water wears separated, the perspectives of the thick backwoods around are staggering. The site has lavish tents where you have cooking offices as well.

02 Hirwa Van Garden

Hirwa Van Garden is a prevalent outing spot with falling waterfalls and beautiful flowerbeds scattered among the lavish green greenery enclosures offering its guests with hypnotizing sights. However another colossal garden in the Union Territory, the fundamental difference being that it is forest made by man. Masterminded on the Silvassa – Dadra road, the garden is an eminent case of designing.

Spellbinding waterfalls, magnificent falls, little springs, stone dividers, bends, rich greenery, excellent blooms, bewilder walkways, honestly, everything about Hirwa Van Garden is astounding. There is an alternate play portion for kids and the play kinds of apparatus open here keep the children redirected when you are lost in quietness.

03 Silvassa Vasona Lion Safari

One of the significant attractions of Silvassa is the Lion Safari which is around 10 km far from the capital city of Silvassa and is spread more than twenty sections of land. It is fundamentally a piece of the zone of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Wildlife Sanctuary. Covering a region of 20 hectares of land, Vasona’s Lion Safari gives you an exciting knowledge.

All things considered, is it not energizing to have the chance of watching lion in its home as opposed to the confine where its space and development are limited to Lion Safari Park is 9 kms from Silvassa. It has a seven meter high divider to guarantee security. Uncommon vehicles intended to visit the thick land take you inside to have a look at the life of lion, the lord of woodland.

04 Kauncha

Situated on the banks of Madhuban Dam, Kauncha is the ideal goal for nature sweethearts. Thick timberlands, stupendous mountain ranges and grand valleys of Kauncha captivate you while the innate life influence you to begrudge them for the straightforward and fought life they lead in the midst of the abundance of nature.

Feel how it resembles to be a piece of the world that does not have mechanical offices but rather can offer you the experience of a lifetime. Enterprise searchers can have a whale of a period here paddling water crafts, skiing and kayaking. For the individuals who cherish trekking, here is a chance to trek, camp and check the stars that look from above. The best time to visit Kauncha town is amid ‘Kokna move celebration’, where you can even partake in this foot tapping move alongside local people.

05 Swaminarayan Temple

Dadra and Nagar Haveli is the well known sanctuary of Swami Narayan sanctuary. This is the brilliant sanctuary in the region of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. This sanctuary has extraordinary appeal particularly in the enthusiasts from Gujarat since this sanctuary is the correct reproduction of the Akshardham sanctuary of Gandhi Nagar. This heaven is arranged on the banks of the waterway Daman Ganga on the silvasa bhilad street.

The sanctuary is devoted to Bhagvan Swaminarayan and has a complicatedly cut focal Mandir fabricated totally from a unique light pink hued marble shake, with no auxiliary steel or concrete being utilized. Situated on River Daman Ganga banks, Swaminarayan Temple is an ideal case for engineering wonder.

In the event that you have a sharp eye for engineering, only a photo of the sanctuary would trigger your enthusiasm to design an excursion to the site paying little respect to your confidence. You will be astounded to find that not a bit of the structure is left without carvings. The open garden and the glorious development entrance guests.

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